Congratulations on being accepted into this year’s Western Regional Exhibition to be held at Mary Williams Fine Arts, located in Boulder, Colorado, September 7 through October 6, 2018. Your painting is one of approximately 80 paintings to have been selected to be a part of this very special exhibition.
Your painting should arrive between the dates of August 13 – 17. Local artists should drop off their work between August 20 – 24.
Let your friends, family and collector’s know about this event by using this complementary template. Click here to download.
OPA requires that you include a pre-paid shipping label to cover the return shipment of your painting if it is not sold. Don’t forget to insure your painting.
There are two ways you can send your pre-paid shipping label to the gallery.
a. First, include your return pre-paid shipping label in your shipment to the gallery.
b. Second, create your return shipping label and email it directly to the host gallery, Mary Williams Fine Arts . Be sure when you email your label that you include your name in the subject line. Example: “John Michael Carter – Return Shipping Label”.
For your convenience please find links to Fed Ex and UPS