Oil Painters of America respects its members and desires to provide them with the best resources to further their passionate pursuit of representational art excellence. We welcome businesses and events that present OPA members with opportunities to excel and work with fine art products.
If you think your business might be interested in advertising its event, product or cause with OPA, we encourage you to contact us. lpusch@oilpaintersofamerica.com or 630-352-6554
Additional Options
Advertise your art workshop
If you have a workshop that you’d like to tell people about, visit OPA’s Workshop Listings to see fantastic workshops and post your own. Only $25/6-months for members.
Advertise your call for entry
OPA offers a call for entry listing for non-OPA events looking to get the word out. To learn more about this service or to list your upcoming event, visit OPA Call For Entry Listing.