How do I become a member?
The quickest way to apply for membership is to apply on-line. It is a two step process:
- Using the menu bar above, under “Membership Services” click on “Membership Information”. This will take you to the membership page. As a brand new member you can choose Associate Membership or Student Membership. Please read the description under each to decide which you qualify for.
- For those who prefer to send in materials, an applicant needs to submit by mail two 4×6 photographs of their current work for review, along with a current membership application form located under the membership tab, along with the current annual membership fee.
It is mid-year, are the OPA membership fees prorated?
No. The membership fee applies no matter what time of the year a member is joining. However, individuals who join in December will be marked as paid for the following year.
How long does the review process take?
The review process varies depending on the time of the year. Usually, it takes 2-3 weeks, however, during the National Show it can take longer due to the number of entries and membership applications being processed. If a deadline for an exhibition is approaching and you have not heard from the organization, please call 815-356-5987
Will my money be refunded if I am not accepted for membership?
Yes, payment is returned if an applicant is not accepted.
What kind of member will I be when I join?
There are 3 levels of membership for artists within OPA: Associate or Student, Signature, and Master Signature. New member artists come in as associate or student members of the OPA. Once an individual has met certain criteria, he/she may apply for Signature status. Once a Signature member, an artist is eligible to apply for Master Signature status.
How do I apply for Signature Membership?
Option 1: Automatic Signature Status
Within an eight year period a member must have exhibited in either:
- Four national OPA shows
- Three national OPA shows and three regional or salon shows.
(Regional and salon shows must be within the last five years.)
If these requirements are met Signature Member status will be conferred with no further evaluation. However, qualified members must still submit an application between June 1 and October 15, for approval at the December board meeting.
Option 2: Committee Review
Over an indefinite period of time members must have exhibited in either:
- Three national OPA shows
- Two national OPA shows and three OPA regional or salon shows.
(Regional and salon shows must be within the last five years.)
Members who have met these requirements are qualified to submit for Signature status between June 1 and October 15, for consideration at the December board meeting.
How do I apply for Master Signature Membership?
All Signature members who are in good standing are eligible to apply for Master Signature status.
Application forms can be found on the OPA website and are due on September 1. The applications are reviewed by a committee comprised of Master Signature Members and are sent to the Board of Directors for final approval. Notification will be sent out in mid-December.
Deadline to submit for Signature status
October 15 of each year
Deadline to submit for Master Signature status
September 1 of each year
How many regions are there and how do I know which one I am in?
OPA divides its membership into two regions: Eastern and Western Regions. Members can determine their region by either clicking here or looking on the OPA website under the Education and Events Section.
I can’t find my name in the Membership Directory.
In the Membership Directory, type in your first & last name or just your last name and your information will come up.
I’m having trouble accessing my membership information.
On the OPA website, click on “Account” in the upper right-hand corner. Log In using your email address and personal password. Then, use the dashboard to access your data.
My password doesn’t work.
Call OPA @ 815-356-5987 or send an email to and we will walk you through resetting your password.
How can I add my website to the OPA database? How can I change my address?
On the OPA website, click on “Account”. Log In using your email address and personal password. Then, use the dashboard to access your data.
Did I pay my dues this year?
Check the membership directory. If you are listed, you have paid your dues. If you are not listed, please send an email to or call the OPA office @815-356-5987.
Do I have to pay the annual dues before I’m notified of acceptance as a member of OPA?
We need to receive your annual membership dues and images before you will be notified of acceptance. If you are not accepted your membership dues will be refunded.
Can students be members of OPA & enter shows?
Yes! All artists, regardless of age, who are painting in the traditional, representational style, will be considered for membership. The approval process does require that an artist display competency beyond a beginner level.
Can you join OPA & enter a show at the same time?
Yes, OPA will accept your membership application and entry as long as your electronic membership fee is paid by the specified date in the prospectus or your mailed membership application with your annual dues are postmarked by the date specified in the prospectus. You must still go through the review process. If you are not approved for membership a full refund will be issued.
I paid my membership dues. Why isn’t my name listed in the National Catalog?
In order to be listed in the National Catalog, a member must have paid their dues for the year in question prior to the catalog cut-off date which usually occurs January 31st. We encourage all members to pay their dues promptly in order to ensure their name is printed in the catalog.
Jurying into Regional and National Shows
How many regions are there and how do I know which one I am in?
OPA divides its membership into two regions: Eastern and Western Regions. Members can determine their region by either calling the OPA office, or by clicking here.
Can I enter a show in a region other than my own?
No. An artist must reside in a state that is designated within a particular region, with the exception of the Master Signature members who are able to submit to all regional shows.
How many paintings can I enter in a show?
An artist can submit 3 paintings for a Regional or National Show, however; only one painting can be accepted.
Shirl Smithson Memorial Scholarship
How do I apply for the Shirl Smithson Memorial Scholarship? When does notification take place? Do I have to send slides? Can I send a disk?
All Associate members are eligible to apply for one of four $500 scholarships to attend an oil painting workshop. These scholarships are provided annually. Members can fill out an application found on the OPA website under the Education & Events tab. You must also submit a cover letter and resume and upload 6 digital images to Drop Box. Deadline for submission is December 1st. Artists who received a scholarship in the past are eligible to apply again.
Brushstrokes Newsletter
How can I get information in the Newsletter?
OPA members who are interested in submitting information for inclusion in the “Painting Our Future” section can e-mail information to
Paint Outs
I am interested in hosting a Paint Out. What is the procedure?
OPA’s Great Paint Out occurs during the months of September through November. Members who are interested in hosting a paint out are encouraged to do so but need to commit by July 1. The goal is to have one paint out in each state every year, and sometimes more depending on the size of the state. Instructions on hosting a paint out are located on the website. Once you determine that you would like to host a paint out, you should submit your completed form to Be sure to do it early.
Why isn’t there a Paint Out in my state?
Paint outs are strictly organized by volunteers. If there isn’t a paint out in your state that means no one volunteered to organize one for that particular year.
What is the process to have my painting critiqued?
Complete form on the OPA website found under Education& Events. Send 5-10 digital paintings of your most current work and a brief one-page bio via Dropbox.
Members fee is $30
Non-Members fee is $50
OPA will send your images to one of many Signature and Master Signature members who have volunteered to be a part of this very important service. Please note, it can take a few months to receive feedback.
Collectors Corner
Can you recommend an artist that I can hire to do a portrait of me?
OPA has over 3,500 qualified artists who specialize in a number of areas including portraitures. To begin your search go to the OPA Membership Directory and search by portraiture.
I have a painting by an artist named John Smith. How can I locate this artist?
All current OPA members can be found on the OPA Membership Directory. If a name does not appear in the OPA Membership Directory, they are currently not a member of the organization. OPA was founded in 1991. OPA does not have any records or information pertaining to artists prior to this time. There are several websites you can check when looking for a specific artist:,, and If you think the artist was from your local area, check with your local art league.
OPA is happy to help connect collectors with OPA members and will try to facilitate communication between the two parties if contact information is not readily available. That being said, OPA will not divulge members’ phone numbers or addresses, but will be happy to call a particular artist on a collector’s behalf.