Aparna Rupakula

Aparna Rupakula b.1984 lives in Austin, TX. She was born in Hyderabad, India. She has lived both in India and the Middle East before moving to the US to study. She studied to be an Aerospace engineer and later proceeded to study drawing and painting. She currently studies privately under Danny Grant in Austin. She likes to complement her study with classes at the Grand Central Atelier in NYC. She trains in the 19th century French academic techniques in drawing/painting. She is also the founder of the Grackle studio which custom mixes oil paints to Munsell standards for artists.
2009 MS. Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineer, Purdue University, W.Lafayette IN.
2006 BS Mechanical Engineering & Minor in Applied Math, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
websites: grackle.studio & parnir.com