Chula Beauregard

b. 1974, Colorado Springs, CO
Chula Beauregard began painting at the age of 11, in the cockpit of her family’s sailboat. Her mother’s love of watercolors sparked a desire to pursue painting from that time forward. After graduating from Whitman College cum laude with a degree in Fine Arts, she served in the Peace Corps in Gabon, Central Africa. Documenting her life in the village with the paints she packed, completing mural projects, and hosting regular art lessons on her porch, Chula found a way to live the artist’s life abroad.
Upon her return, Chula settled in her hometown of Steamboat Springs, CO. She earned her Master’s Degree in Education to teach Fine Arts and soon realized that public school did not afford enough time to pursue her passion of art. In 2008, she began her professional painting career. The Steamboat Art Museum provided access to renowned painters such as Quang Ho OPAM, Len Chmiel, Dan Young and Skip Whitcomb. Along with these masters, the natural world was a constant source of inspiration. Chula explores her connection to this beauty with her painting.
Chula’s work has been in numerous National, Regional, and Solo shows and exhibitions:
OPA – Oil Painters of America Western Regional and National Exhibitions (Presidential Award of Excellence, 2022)
AWA – American Woman Artists Juried Exhibition (Fine Art Connoisseur Award of Excellence, 2020)
AIS – The National Juried American Impressionist Society Small Works & National Exhibitions (Purchase Award, 2019)
Two solo exhibitions at Steamboat Creates in Steamboat Springs, CO
Door County Plein Air Festival Featured Artist in Door County WI
“The Western experience is one of contradictions as we navigate between modern progress and pure wildness. Geographically rooted in the West, I use my artwork to find a balance between these forces. In subject matter, I prefer to focus on nature’s gifts, relating to the place-based devotion of the Barbizon school. In artistic process, however, I intend to bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary. American Impressionism calls to me, pulling me towards a study of light and shadow, color theory and accurate drawing. My contemporary art education gave me a foothold in strong composition and an emphasis in color fields, expressive mark layering, and textures that unite the painted surface. I honor the infinite beauty of this land, while striving to lend a relevant voice in these modern times.”