Employer - Assyrian Cultural Foundation
Opportunity Type - Art Teacher
Name - Dr. Melanie, Melanie
My Title - Artists and Exhibitions Assistant
Description of Project, Position Studio or other Opportunity - We are seeking to fill an hourly part time position instructing students in person in traditional fine arts practices. The position will cover four classes which take place each week on Saturday from 9AM-4:30PM. The classes are comprised of students ages 7-17.
Qualifications Required/Preferred - Qualified candidates must have education and experience in traditional fine arts mediums and practices such as oil painting, water color, and charcoal. They must be able to articulate and instruct students on topics such as color theory, perspective, and composition. Teachers will be given the opportunity to build their own curriculum so long as these topics are covered. Experience with children or teaching experience is ideal, though not required.
Start Date - 03/20/2023
End Date -
Location Name - $Assyrian Cultural Foundation
Address - 4343 W Touhy Ave.
City/Town/Locality - Lincolnwood
State/Province - Illinois
Zip/Postal Code - 60712
Country - United States
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - (224) 341-9265
Email - melanie.perkins@acf-us.org