As is usual with most artists, Nora began drawing when a small child. Drawing had always provided a joy of creating and exploring. This love of art and drawing carried through her life, eventually becoming the cornerstone of a career for her, doing storyboards and comps for t.v.
and print ads.
She earned her B.F.A. at Art Center College of Design, starting freelance illustration after graduation. Some clients have been: Mattel, Ghirardelli Chocolates, Random House, Soul Train, Budweiser, The Grammy’s, and many more. Ms Koerber obtained her M.F.A. at C.S.U.L.A. and taught at: L.A.C.H.S.A., C.S.U.N., and Otis Art Institute. She obtained a full time position at and worked up until 2017, re-entering the freelance world and painting fine art.
New to the fine art realm, Ms Koerber has already won awards, two are seen here: First Place for “Pink Motel”, 2018. on the San Fernando Valley, Third Place on “Motion” for the “Diana” painting. She is currently the President of California Art League and belongs to several other art groups, as well. Her medium is Oil, and paints both en plein air and studio.