Name - Raj Chaudhuri Signature (OPA)
Event Type - Workshop
Start Date - 01/27/2024
End Date - 02/09/2024
Workshop Days -
Workshop Times - All Day
Workshop Cost - $5750
Location - Jaipur, India
Address - 2 Jawarhar Nagar
City - Jaipur
State - Rajasthan
Zip Code - 302004
Country - India
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - (303) 778-6990
Email -
Description - While painting is the motivation for the trip, this will be a lifetime memory of beautiful India. The tour of the Taj Mahal will be early morning, with the sun rising over one of the world’s greatest monuments to eternal love. It is a breathtaking place. Jaipur, the red city, has intricately crafted architecture and a history that shows in every street and wall. The hotel is personally crafted for an experience—the culture of caring that Indian hospitality will offer you is truly different from other countries in the world. Pushkar, the last stop on the tour, is the city home of one of only two Bramha temples in the world. It is a small place, magical in its conglomeration of the horse lords of the Rajput, the temple pilgrims and an oasis village in the arid Rajasthani landscape. Raj is intimately familiar with this part of India, having gone to a prestigious boarding school here, and returned many times with his family. This will be a magical trip.
As a traveling painter for many years, Raj has developed techniques and skills to create composition, paint en plein aire, and collect value and color. Trying to capture the living moment of the experience, both emotionally and visually, fuels the creativity. Travelers will learn how to visualize good reference and combine photos for compositional ideas. The ultimate goal includes the process, the joy of learning, and, of course, finished paintings. Each day will include demos, lectures and individual guidance as we visit stunning local areas. You may work in oil, acrylic, watercolor or gouache.