Name - Kim Casebeer Signature (OPA)
Event Type - Workshop
Start Date - 05/25/2024
End Date - 06/02/2024
Workshop Days - 8 Days
Workshop Times - All Day
Workshop Cost - $3950
Location - Onsite in Fiesole and Florence, Italy
Address - Via di San Niccolo 79
City - Florence
State - (Outside USA)
Zip Code - 50125
Country - Italy
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - (734) 417-8109
Email -
Website -
Description - Paint Beautiful Florence and Fiesole, Italy en Plein Air!
Plein air and Studio Oil Painting Workshop
This workshop starts in the hill town of Fiesole - just 5 miles above Florence. Mid-trip we will transfer to Florence - the beautiful Renaissance city of Florence which has more art per square foot than any city in the world. From painting in the Etruscan/Roman ruins in Fiesole to the Bardini Gardens in Florence you will bask in the serenity and beauty that is Tuscany. A visit to the medieval city of San Gimignano via the Chiantigiani Road will give you a taste of the rolling Chianti countryside that is classic Tuscany. You'll enjoy a tasting/lunch at a local winery in the countryside. Most importantly you'll be enjoying this atmosphere with master painter and instructor, Kim Casebeer. Kim will demo and offer you one-on-one help at your easel. This workshop is intensive and includes close of day discussions.