Name - Kathy Anderson OPAM
Event Type - Workshop
Start Date - 8/21/2023
End Date - 8/24/2023
Workshop Days - 4
Workshop Times -
Workshop Cost - $750
Location - InView Center for the Arts
Address - 132 Landgrove Road
City - Landgrove
State - VT
Zip Code - 05148
Country -
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - 802-824-6673
Email -
Description - This 4 day workshop will be part studio, part Plein air, weather permitting. Kathy will do a demo each morning, addressing a specific topic each day such as — How to choose and simplify your subject when outdoors in the garden, with so much to choose from; -how to create a strong design using values -how to lead your viewer through your painting using edges and values The emphasis throughout the workshop will always be strong drawing, beautiful transparent colors, how to create depth, and much more. The students will paint in the afternoon with one on one instruction from me.