Name - Kyle Ma OPAM
Event Type - Workshop
Start Date - 2/4/2025
End Date - 2/7/2025
Workshop Days - 4
Workshop Times - 9:00 - 4:00
Workshop Cost - $600
Location - Scottsdale Artists School
Address - 3720 North Marshall Way
City - Scottsdale
State - AZ
Zip Code - 85251
Country - United States
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - 480-990-1422
Email -
Description - In this four-day workshop students will be working on paintings of farm animals from photos and watching daily demonstrations. Farm animals as a subject has always inspired me with the unique characteristics of each animal combined with beautiful light and textures found in the rural landscape. The demonstrations will show how to approach painting farm animals in the context of a landscape. To paint farm animals successfully requires strong draftsmanship, understanding of form, and understanding of light and atmosphere. These concepts will be emphasized as well as my artistic influence from old masters depicting this subject. Another idea I will discuss is how to keep the feeling of light consistent on the animal as well as the landscape. Students will receive individual attention as they work so the instructor can help address the specific goals each individual has for their work. Therefore, this workshop will benefit artists of all levels.