Name - Johanne Mangi Associate
Event Type - Workshop
Start Date - 05/17/2023
End Date - 05/19/2023
Workshop Days - Wednesday
Workshop Times - All Day
Workshop Cost - $550
Location - Booth Art Academy
Address - 501 Museum Drive
City - Cartersville
State - GA
Zip Code - 30120
Country - US
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - (770) 387-1300
Email -
Website -
Description - This workshop is designed to make a complicated subject simple. Students will go on a field trip to a nearby famous stable to learn firsthand the anatomical landmarks that will lend authenticity to your painting. Demos and an opportunity to paint along will leave you with new confidence and understanding of what makes a strong painting. The main goal is to provide you with the ability to not only successfully paint the horse but other subjects as well.