Name - Barbara Jaenicke Signature (OPA)
Event Type - Workshop
Start Date - 03/14/2023
End Date - 03/16/2023
Workshop Days - Tuesday
Workshop Times - All Day
Workshop Cost - $530
Location - Booth Art Academy
Address - 501 Museum Drive
City - Cartersville
State - GA
Zip Code - 30120
Country - United States
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - (770) 387-1300
Email -
Website -
Description - Once you learn the basic mechanics of painting the landscape, it’s time to learn how to add the poetry. We’ll examine the difference between paintings that merely contain elements of the landscape, and those that convey a distinct visual message… and how to gain the skills necessary to accomplish this.
Skills covered will include composition, editing, value structure, color temperature and chroma. We’ll also address how to make every stroke count, considering the particulars of how you apply paint to surface and how the quality of the application will contribute to your painting’s message.
Each day of the workshop will begin with a demonstration followed by students working on a specific painting exercise for the remainder of the day. Students will receive plenty of individual help from the instructor at the easel during their painting time.
This workshop is open to all levels, although artists with at least some basic landscape painting experience will benefit most.
I offer many other workshops throughout the US all year long. The workshop listed here is for oil painters only, but others I offer throughout the year are for both oil painters and pastel artists. See my website at for my full schedule.