Name - Ned Mueller Master Signature
Event Type - Online Workshop
Start Date - 9/20/2024
End Date - 9/22/2024
Workshop Days - Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Workshop Times - 9am - 4pm PDT
Workshop Cost - $375
Location - Ned Mueller Studio - Online
Address -
City - Renton
State - Washington
Zip Code - 98059
Country - USA
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - 425-894-2447
Email -
Description - This Online Expressive Portrait Drawing Workshop is from September 20th to the 22nd, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm PT, . Class is limited to 12 students and so each student will get a lot of attention as they need it. Cost is $375. Contact: Ned Mueller:
We will concentrate on learning how to draw and construct a fine expressive portrait. You will learn the simple basic proportions of the head and to develop and sharpen your eye to see the placement of the major features. We will work in Bistre Conte and/or 2B compressed charcoal as it is very flexible and useful in learning this process. You will learn some fairly easy steps in getting the proportions and structure of the head using photos of strong character models that show off the structure and planal changes of the head along with a strong light and shadow pattern to work from. We will work on how to break the head down into simple value patterns and with the use of lost and found edges make a compelling portrait. We will go over the generic structure of the individual features of the face, those being the eye, nose, mouth and ear so you get a strong understanding of these features. You will learn how to see and interpret the forms and values to get a strong likeness. Mastering the discipline and training of the mind and eye to do a good portrait will translate and help you in other areas of your art as you will become more accurate and confidant in observing and editing the important elements, whether you are doing a still life or a landscape. I will give plenty of group demonstrations and individual attention over the three days. We will work from photos..I have a great selection I have taken over many years and you can work from your own, but I need to OK them to make sure that the lighting is good on them. This will be a fairly focused and intense three days and you will work hard, learn a lot, indulge our humorous side and we will have a lot of fun doing it! The materials are quite simple and little expense for learning and doing so much.