Name - Robert Johnson OPAM
Event Type - Workshop
Start Date - March 14, 2022
End Date - March 18, 2022
Workshop Days - 5
Workshop Times - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Workshop Cost - $680
Location - Scottsdale Artists School
Address - 3720 North Marshall Way
City - Scottsdale
State - AZ
Zip Code - 85251
Country - United States
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - 480-990-1422
Email -
Description - Robert Johnson is an OPA Master. His workshop in oils will focus on developing an understanding of the essential elements of painting that have been passed on through the centuries from teacher to student, master to apprentice, and artist to artist. Brush strokes will be heavily emphasized as a means to depict form, achieve expressive power, and maintain a painting’s feeling of spontaneity and life. Robert will teach the importance of an understanding of values, edges, light, and color to create a powerful and memorable painting. Still-life, florals, and the portrait will be the subject matter of the workshop and students can feel free to choose a subject or subjects they wish to paint. Robert will demonstrate the still life and portrait. The workshop is open to all levels.