Name - Mary Pettis Signature (OPA)
Event Type - Workshop
Start Date - 06/14/2024
End Date - 06/16/2024
Workshop Days - Friday
Workshop Times - All Day
Workshop Cost - $500
Location - The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts
Address - 1621 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 280
City - Minneapolis
State - Minnesota
Zip Code - 55414
Country - United States
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - (612) 405-0352
Email -
Description - John F. Carlson, in his groundbreaking 1929 book, Elementary Principles of Landscape Painting, urges us to study the expressive properties of line, mass, and color. He states that it is a delusion to think that if a painter can merely “copy nature” well enough, he is creating a work of art, that he has to merely get a certain “likeness” of the things before him. He states that, rather, a painter must see through his motif, into its significance, and then choose his means accordingly. But how does one do that?
This workshop is designed to answer that question. We will plant the seeds of creative expression; we will impart a solid means to analyze and consider the quality of interest that a motif holds for us: the IDEA!
We will learn how to single out that transmittable, personal impression of some ONE QUALITY in the quantity before us, and get closer in our quest to understand and create true works of art! Each day begins with lecture and/or demo. Afternoons we paint outdoors.
All levels welcome.
Dates: June 14 – 16th, 2024
Location: The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts | 1621 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 280 | Minneapolis, MN 55414
Cost: $500.00