Name - Susiehyer Signature (OPA)
Event Type - Workshop
Start Date - 01/27/2024
End Date - 02/03/2024
Workshop Days - Monday
Workshop Times - All Day
Workshop Cost - $2695
Location - Casa de los Artistas
Address -
City - Jalisco
State - Mexico
Zip Code -
Country - Jalisco, Mexico
Map - Click Here for Map
Phone - (413) 625-8382
Email -
Create stronger and more dynamic paintings by understanding STRUCTURE…a strong foundation around which to build your paintings from the ground up, using two basic visual approaches that utilize big value shapes or statements, with which to simplify and design the 2-dimensional space. From there we explore ways to control and finish a painting by deciding where to break down those big shapes into smaller groups of color and value. The ideas apply to both studio work and plein air painting. A more dynamic painting can be achieved when a good “abstract” design underneath the painting is utilized.
It is of great importance in plein air painting that artists get their ideas down very quickly because of the changing light and weather conditions. Utilizing these two approaches will allow you to get it down faster, giving you a “road map” to guide you through the painting process so you don’t lose your way and start chasing the light when the light or weather has changed.
In general, building a painting can be likened to building a house. The builder starts with a design or blueprint (our thumbnail sketch), then pours the foundation or footprint (the massing in of the basic shapes that create the design). Next comes the framework, the walls, the roof (building upon and relating these shapes to each other). Finally, we get to the details- carpeting, cabinetry, paint (this is the breaking these shapes down into smaller shapes where we want our details and focus.) Next comes decorating the interior (this is like color, texture, paint application) Learning to create a strong foundation or structure first prevents the collapse of the painting. Without this foundation or map, a painting may fall apart, after which we pick ourselves up out of the wreckage and begin again, frustrated, time wasted. This wreckage and brain damage can be prevented by creating a strong foundation or structure first.
We will be applying the concepts and elements of design that allow for movement and rhythm through the painting. Understanding these concepts facilitates more expression and exploration, allowing students to loosen up their painting, and explore different ways of putting down paint, texture or color. Structure is the key! If you want to “Level Up”, this is how!
Appropriate for beginners who have experience with their medium to advanced students, this workshop applies to most 2-dimensional mediums, so oil and acrylic, watercolor, and pastel painters may benefit, as would artists who work in graphite. These concepts apply as well to abstract work.
The first few days of the workshop will be given to discussion and demonstrations in the morning, then exercises in the afternoon, with individual help and critiques. In the latter part of the workshop week, we will work on one or two pieces using these concepts and have a final class critique. We will not pressure ourselves to create masterpieces in this workshop, so come prepared to leave your fears at the door, stretch your mind, and have some big FUN!!!!. What a great opportunity to travel to a magical, unspoiled location, just south of Puerto Vallarta, for a Plein Air and open studio workshop in a charming fishing village.