by Jill Basham
22″ x 22″ oil on linen
Painted during En Plein Air Texas
I have a deep love for painting, as I’m sure most of you do as well. It is that passion and sense of discovery that pushes me forward to paint for paintings sake. However, I have gone through struggles of self doubt. I find truth to this quote, “I don’t think there’s any artist of any value who doesn’t doubt what they are doing” -Francis Ford Coppola. This self doubt often occurs when my known or sub-conscious intentions are headed in the wrong direction. What do I mean? Well, for the most part, my paintings are not as successful when created to please others. They may not ring true to my authentic voice. I’m coming to understand that this may be a universal condition for artists, no matter what stage of mastery they fall.
For me this “self doubt” and inclination to paint to appeal to others seems to have the potential to increase during plein air competitions. Don’t get me wrong, I believe I have painted some of my best work at these events! For many reason I enjoy these events, and hope to continue to paint in them. I love to overcome obstacles and challenges, and find avoidance is not the answer. These events require much preparation behind the scenes by the artists attending. Ordering frames, organizing flights, shipping etc…and once on location, it can be a time of pushing one’s abilities and endurance. It becomes not optional to paint in less than ideal weather, or if you are lagging physically or mentally. But I still choose to take part. As an artist, it’s awesome to paint in new locations and meet some wonderful people! Yes, plein air events may seem at odds with an artists philosophy… to make it a competition, yet I think the competition has the potential to be a good thing. It can bring recognition to a previously less known artist. Artists push their abilities and collectors may get some of the artist’s best work this way. In addition, the organizers of the event are able to connect collectors with artists and at the same time generate funding for their particular cause.
by Jill Basham
9″ x 12″ oil on linen
Painted during Plein Air Easton
I encourage others to push forward and paint with passion and conviction, whether in a competition or not. Paint for yourself, paint with your soul, paint with fearlessness, paint for the love of it.
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